William Morin helps chefs accelerate their careers by getting them their own high paying catering client….even as a side job. Signup for the Free Training before it is taken offline: 30 Days To Your First High Paying Catering Client: https://wmorin-47aef.gr8.com/
Author: wjmorin
How Much To Charge For Catering
Signup to get the spreadsheet at the link below https://wmorin-47aef.gr8.com/ William Morin helps chefs accelerate their careers by getting them their own high paying catering client….even as a side job. Signup for the Free Training before it is taken offline:30 Days To Your First High Paying Catering Client: https://wmorin-47aef.gr8.com/
How Much To Prepare and Order For Catering
How Much To Prepare and Order For Catering? How much food do I need to prepare for 30 people? How much food do I need to order? Do you know what the portion size is for the type of party you are catering? All these questions are answered in this video podcast. Watch the free… Continue reading How Much To Prepare and Order For Catering
Semantics Add Value: Guidelines for Writing an Enticing Menu
I was scanning over the Omelet section of the menu for some fresh ideas for breakfast when I noticed this beauty sitting in the dead center of the section surrounded by a red square menu accent: Trash Can Omelet. I close my eyes and release a dramatic exhale. “What is it now?” My partner would… Continue reading Semantics Add Value: Guidelines for Writing an Enticing Menu
Food Cost: You Don’t Take Percentages to the Bank
Food Cost: You Don’t Take Percentages to the Bank Restaurants have razor thin margins. I hate that saying. It’s a saying similar to one of those “tips” and “tricks” that catch fire after an influencer on social media rattles it off and goes viral. It is not a universal truth in food service. Restaurants could… Continue reading Food Cost: You Don’t Take Percentages to the Bank
Does the Pandemic Proof Restaurant Exist?
Hundreds of thousands of restaurants have permanently closed since the pandemic began and the end of this great tragedy has not yet come to pass. Restaurants have a reputation of realizing a common demise in closure and I believe that the risk of that will truly never change post pandemic. However, there has been one… Continue reading Does the Pandemic Proof Restaurant Exist?
Equipment Needed For A Catering Business
I’m not sure if this was legal… The huge refrigerator I loaded into the back of my SUV was so long I couldn’t close the hatch. So the trunk stayed open the entire 30 minute drive home. I found this refrigerator online for free and I was one of three others trying to pick it… Continue reading Equipment Needed For A Catering Business
My First Catering Client
This was *my* first catering client. I sent her the quote for the event. I knew what I was doing when it came to pricing an event and making a profit. I followed the steps (more on that later). The quote was for $1,300 with $500 up front deposit. A backyard cookout with beverages and… Continue reading My First Catering Client